Pine Knob Music Theatre

This mural is located at Pine Knob Music Theatre in Clarkston, Michigan. I was very blessed be given the opportunity to make a mural for such a high traffic venue. I had the pleasure of working with another artist, Ryanne Shiner-Kelly - @reshinerart. While we were painting into the wee hours of the night, we were able to see the aurora borealis!

- 2023 -

Thumb Brewery - 2021

“Summer of Thumb” was my very first mural, which opened the doors to one of my passions. This mural is located downtown Caseville, Michigan. This city will always have a place in my heart.

The Brew Moon - 2024

The iconic moon with a mug of coffee is located downtown Caseville, Michigan. The owners of this business have always been one of my biggest supporters. I’m so grateful to have had this opportunity to revamp this coffee house & gallery!

Jessi Francis Hair & Wellness - 2022

This butterfly was painted during my first ever live event. It was so motivating having the time constraint of an event and the positive feedback from those attending.

Lemon Tree Marketplace - 2022

The mural on the left is located downtown Caseville, Michigan. The mural on the right is located in Allen Park, Michigan. Both of these walls were extremely textured and were in direct sun which created some fun memories while completing these projects.

Brookstone Realtors - 2022

Kalasho Education & Youth Services

This project contained several murals throughout the building. I will be forever grateful for this opportunity to help the children attending feel inspired by my art.

- 2024 -


Out of all the murals I created in this building, this one is my favorite. I love everything about it! This mural promotes eating healthy and nutritious meals.


This room is horse stable and veterinary clinic themed. This room was so peaceful to paint.

Office Space

This wall is very textured so it was a bit of a challenge and learning curve doing fine line work, but the logos look perfectly distressed around the metal installation.

Music Room

These music posters were heavily inspired by Bob Dylan’s poster. I used the same black & white with pop of the color palette for the rest of the posters to be cohesive and the black border gives them the “framed” look.

Theatre Room

The movie theatre room has four posters on one wall and right next to it on the next wall, there are five posters. This room was so fun to create and I ended up rewatching a lot of these movies as I was painting.


- Children's Books -